Tour Terms and Conditions
Cancellations must be submitted in writing and are subject to the following fees, based upon the entire cost of reserved services:
• 61 or more days prior to the event: 15% service fee
• 31 to 60 Days prior to the event: 25% service fee
• 18 to 30 Days prior to the event: 50% service fee
• Cancellations will not be accepted within 17 days of the event.
No cancellations on special and pre-paid orders, including upgraded event tickets, upgraded hotel accommodations and individual transfers.
The following terms apply to services rendered by RaceAway Hospitality Inc (RAH) to its Guests, clients and tour event participants (Guest or Guests). Receipt of Guest payment, partial or in full, for services provided by RAH shall constitute acknowledgement and acceptance of these terms and agreement to convey these terms to all registered Guests.
RAH is an independent operator not directly affiliated with any event, venue, NASCAR, sponsor or box office.
RAH acts as an agent for service providers whose personnel, equipment and operations are not under the control of RAH. Service providers include, but are not limited to: Transportation providers, hotels, caterers, contractors, event venues such as race tracks and other attractions. RAH shall not be held responsible for breach of contract, actions or omissions on the part of service providers which result in injury, death, damage, loss, delay or denial of access.
RAH shall not be held responsible for injury, death, damage, loss, delay or denial of access in connection with terrorist activities, war, local laws, mechanical difficulties, disease, or climatic conditions.
Guests are responsible for purchasing travel insurance, if desired. Travel insurance policies may not be canceled or transferred.
Ticket packages are typically shipped to Guests two to three weeks prior to a scheduled event. If a Guest requests early shipment and ticket packages are shipped early, the order may not be canceled.
Packages may be transferred to other Guests up to seven days prior to the event with the prior approval of RAH.
RAH may provide information regarding venue access and regulations, but shall not be held responsible for Guest failure to adhere to RAH, venue or sanctioning body regulations resulting in injury, death, damage, loss, delay or denial of access.
If an event is postponed or rescheduled, RAH will make reasonable efforts to assist Guests with extended accommodation reservations and track transportation. Costs associated with extended accommodations and track transportation will be the responsibility of the Guests.
RAH reserves the right to refuse or cancel service at any time. RAH reserves the right to substitute tickets in locations different from those originally stated as long as the location is reasonably comparable to or better than the original location.
The inclusion of tickets and packages purchased from RAH in public promotions is strictly prohibited.
Package rates are subject to change without notice. RAH may make periodic changes to contents, products and services described on its websites. RAH shall not be responsible for damages including, but not limited to, loss of data or profits in connection with the use or display of the contents of its websites. Website contents including photos, text, links, logos and graphics may not be copied or used without the written permission of RAH.
Guests understand and agree that photos taken by RAH are the property of RAH and may be used online and in other media, including social media such as Facebook.
Guests agree that these terms and performance disputes shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the state of Iowa.